Two Favorite Upper Back Mobility Exercises


Keeping your upper back moving well is important for good posture and pain free neck, shoulders and low back. Unlike our lower back (lumbar spine), our thoracic spine or upper back is designed to extend and to rotate and when the upper back gets stiff, the lower back and the neck compensate causing pain.

Why does the upper back lose mobility or become stiff?  Sitting positions with our shoulders and head forward are a big contributor and so is not moving enough.  Here are two of my favorite upper back mobility exercises demonstrated by my client Steven. 


Upper Back Extension Finish

Upper Back Extension Finish


 Place roller near the bottom of the foam roller.  Brace your abdominals so that your low back is stable.  Slowly lower the torso over the roller while keeping your neck in line with the spine.  It is important to isolate the extension in the upper back and avoid extension in the low back and neck.  Do 8 repetitions and then place the roller in the center of the shoulder blades and do 8 repetitions, and then place the roller at the top of the shoulder blades and do another 8 repetitions.

Upper Back Rotation Start

Upper Back Rotation Start

Lie on your side and place your knee over the roller and be sure to place the knee higher than your hip to help stabilize your low back. Keep shoulders stacked. Take your top arm and open the arm toward the back of your body and be sure to follow your hand with your eyes so that your head is moving in the same direction as your arm. Repeat 8 times and repeat on the other side.

Upper back Rotation Finish

Upper back Rotation Finish