Dumbbell Row- Do It Right!

Rowing movements strengthen muscles that promote good posture.  Rowing engages your entire back and shoulders along with your biceps, and if you are doing the exercise correctly, you are also engaging the other muscles of the core to help stabilize you.  You get lots of bang for your buck! To get the most out of the exercise you want to pay attention…

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Bear Crawl Position with Hydrant

This is a more advanced exercise that targets the core, specifically the glute medius, a muscle that is key for stability of the hip. This important because the more stable your hips are, the more stable your back and knees will be.   Step One Take a loop band and place it just under your knees Get on all fours and push up strong with your shoulders,…

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The Perfect Hip Flexor Stretch

  The hip flexors can be found connecting the top of the femur, which is the largest bone in the body, to the lower back, hips, and groin. When these muscles get tight, they can pull on your spine and contribute to back pain. They also cause the opposing muscle group, the gluteals to shut down. What causes tight hip flexors? Prolonged sitting is a…

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Single Leg Deadlift

  Understanding the concept of hinging from your hips and not bending your spine is so important for sparing your spine and for effective strengthening of the hip. This exercise takes lots of balance and hip strength. Start with just your body weight and practice next to a wall or pole to help steady yourself if needed. This is a more advanced exercise. Instructions Start…

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Single Leg Bridge

This is one of my favorite exercises for strengthening the glutes, low back and hamstrings while teaching hip stability.  Week, unstable hips can contribute to low back pain and knee pain.  Once your hips are strong and stable, your knees can track the way they should and your spine can stay in a more stable position.   Instructions Add tension…

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Side Planks

Side Planks are a great exercise for strengthening your obliques, hips and low back.According to spine expert, Dr. Stuart McGill, strength in a side plank is an excellent exercise for spine stabilization. The top image shows my client Deborah in an intermediate side plank variation.  Notice that her top leg is in front.  This allows her to use her glutes…

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Pallof Press

The Pallof Press is named after the Boston based physical therapist, John Pallof who came up with this very user friendly core exercise. This exercise is an anti-rotation hold exercise that will help build core stability. “Preventing rotation” means that your body is able to resist forces acting upon it that may try to rotate or move it in a way and…

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Foundation Training Gorilla Lift

Part of maintaining a strong pain free back is working on keeping your hips and shoulder moving well. Tight shoulders and hips contribute to compensation at your spine. This Foundation Training exercise, called the Gorilla Lift, emphasizes a strong squat position (hip mobility) and shoulder external rotation and shoulder girdle depression (shoulder…

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My Pick for Best Health and Fitness Books of 2019

Reading is one of my favorite things to do. For all of you enthusiastic and healthy readers out there, I wanted to share some of my favorite health and fitness books of 2019. 1.      “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker PhD.  This is my favorite read of 2019.  Sleep has not been something that our overworked and over stimulated culture values, but sleep…

Tags: Fitness, Inspiration

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Kneeling Founder

This is one of my favorite Foundation Training exercises! It is very strengthening for the back and the glutes, and when you add the decompression breathing, you can feel the length and the strength in your back. Getting good at this position also can help you with kneeling work like gardening, playing with kids or pets and then cleaning up after kids…

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