Exercising Too Hard. Rhabdomyolysis

Intensity is in. Soul Cycle, Cross Fit, P90X, and HIIT workouts.  Benefits of high intensity workouts health and fitness benefits such as, increased calorie burn, decreasing body fat, boosting  metabolism, increased human growth hormone, and helps to build aerobic fitness. But there is also a risk in working out too hard. If a high intensity workout…

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The American College of Sports Medicine Announces Top Fitness Trends for 2017

Now in its eleventh year, a survey was completed by more than 1,800 health and fitness professionals worldwide. Forty-two potential trends were given as choices, and the top 20 were ranked and published by ACSM. The top 10 fitness trends for 2017 are: 1. Wearable Technology: Fitness tracker sales are expected to hit $4 billion in sales this year. 2.…

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Don't Make These Five Mistakes When It Comes To Your Health and Fitness

1.     Too Much Too Soon This is the most common mistake I see people make.  Change takes time, and making small, sustainable changes that you can stay with in the long run will get you where you want to go.  Don’t over exercise and starve yourself believing that it will get you to a fit, healthy and trim body faster.  I watch people get injured or…

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Weight Loss and Plant-Based Diets

I don’t like talking about dieting programs because they cause suffering and, simply, don’t work.  You gain more weight back, negatively impact your metabolism, and you end up feeling like a failure. Dieting sucks on so many levels. Instead, developing healthy habits that you can stick with for life can create a happy, healthy and balanced person. We…

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Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Brain Health

There seems to be inconsistent advice on the issue of moderate alcohol consumption. The US government defines moderate alcohol consumption  as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.  Some studies show that moderate alcohol consumption is postive for heart health but risky for breast cancer and some other types of cancer.  A new…

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Don’t Believe the Hype, Saturated is Not Good for You

Saturated fat is a major contributor to heart disease, and heart disease is the leading cause of death in America.  There are too many “wellness experts,” and "sports coaches," who promote the idea that the science has been wrong, and that saturated fat does not cause heart disease.   Saturated fat comes from animal fat and from tropical oils like…

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"Glute Amnesia." Yes, it is a Real Thing.

I don’t think it is too far of a stretch to say that your gluteal muscles, or your “butt muscles” are probably the most important group of muscles you have.  They are responsible for keeping us moving well and with strength,  and  they are very important for stabilizing not just your back but your whole body. We spend way too much time on our glutes…

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Why the Term “Everything in Moderation,” is a Bad Idea.

I want to share a fantastic blog post by Shannon Harvey from “The Whole Health Life.”  The statement, “everything in moderation” comes up a lot in my practice.  The term “moderation” is hard to define and it means different things to different people. For example, The World Health Organization recently released a report calling processed meats like…

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High Levels of Exercise Protect Cellular Aging by Up to 9 Years

The evidence just keeps coming, exercise helps to slow the aging process.  A study just published in the medical journal, Preventative Health, showed that high levels of exercise can slow the aging process of our cells by 9 years compared to sedentary people.  High levels of exercise in this study is described as jogging for 30 minutes per day five…

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"Embrace" The Documentary

Currently, 80 percent of women in the U.S. are dissatisfied with their appearance. And more than 10 million are suffering from eating disorders.  We are a “thin at all costs” culture and at the same time, the U.S. has the highest rates of obesity and eating disorders in the world.  Embrace is a documentary (See the trailer here) that explores the pervasive…

Tags: Fitness, Inspiration

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